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Pope Francis Resume

Written By world famous resume on Monday, October 17, 2016 | 3:48:00 AM

Name - Pope Francis, his real name was Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Famous – The Current Pope of Roman Catholic Church (266th).
Birth - Dec 17, 1936 – Buenos Aires, Argentina to Italian immigrant parent.
Language - Spanish, English, French, Italian and German.
1957 - Pope Francis at 21 years falls gravely ill, eventually severe pneumonia is diagnosed, right lung partially removed.
  • Pope Francis attended Wilfrid Baron de los Santos Angeles in Buenos Aires
  • Pope Francis graduated with a chemical technician’s Diploma

March 11, 1958 – Pope Francis entered novitiate of the Society of Jesus

March 12, 1960 – Pope Francis took first vow as Jesuit

1960 - Pope Francis got licentiate in philosophy from the Colegio Maximo de San Jose in San Miguel,Buenos Aires Province

1960 – Pope Francis studied humanities in padre hurtado, Chile

1961 – 1963 – Pope Francis studied philosophy at san Miguel seminary, Buenos Aires.

1964- 1965 – Pope Francis taught high school literature and psychology at jersuit secondary school in Santa Fe.

1966 – Pope Francis taught literature and psychology at prestigious Colegio Del Salvador secondary school in Buenos Aires.

1967-1970 – Pope Francis studied theology at san Miguel seminary

Dec 13, 1969 – Pope Francis was an ordained priest

1970 – 1971 – Pope Francis spent Tertianship or third probation period of Jesuit formation in Spain

1971- 1973 – Pope Francis served as master of novices and Vice chancellor, San Miguel seminary

1973 – Pope Francis took perpetual profession as Jesuit.

1973 – 1979 – Pope Francis served as superior of Jesuit province of Argentina and Uruguay

1980 - Pope Francis studied English in Ireland ( Spent the first 3 months)

1979-1985 – Pope Francis served as rector of Colegio Maximo and theology teacher

1986 – Pope Francis went to German to finish doctoral thesis

June 27, 1982 – Pope Francis was ordained auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires

1992 - Pope Francis was elected as Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires.

June 27, 1992 - Pope Francis was ordained as a Titular Bishop of Auca

June 3, 1997 – Pope Francis named Coadjutor Archbishop with right of automatic succession

Feb 28, 1998 – Pope Francis was installed as Archbishop of Buenos Aires

2001 – Pope Francis was Co presides over Dinod of Bishops

Feb 21, 2001 – Pope Francis was elevated to cardinal

2005 – Pope Francis received second highest number of votes in conclave that elected cardinal joseph Ratzinger as pope.

November 8, 2005 - Pope Francis was elected as the president of Argentine Periscopal Conference

2005 – 2011 – Pope Francis served as president, Argentine Bishops Conference

March 13, 2013 – Pope Francis was elected pope by conclave of 115 cardinals.

May 2013 - Pope Francis said all who do good, including Atheist might be redeemed through Jesus.

June 29, 2013 - Pope Francis published his first encyclical titled Lumen Fidel (Collaborative writing with Benedict XVI and talks about Faith).

September, 2013 - Pope Francis wrote an open letter to the founder of La repubblica newspaper,Eugenio Scalfari stating that non-believers would be forgiven by God if they followed their Consciences.

November 24, 2013 - Pope Francis published Apostolic Exortation Evangelii gaudium with his views on faith and Evangelization

April8,2016 - Pope Francis published his second Apostolic Exortation Amoris laetitia concerning love with the family

May 24, 2014
- Pope Francis started tour in Middle East aiming to boost ties with Jews and Muslims

2015 - Pope Francis declared that same sex marriages disfigured God plans for creation

June 18, 2015 - Pope Francis published his second encyclical entitled Laudato si (writing concerning care for the planet).

2015 - Pope Francis was elected Person of the year by people for the ethical treatments of animals, for his request that all Catholic to be kind to animals.

2016 - Pope Francis while in Mexico – criticized Donald Trump by saying “ A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be,and not building bridges is not Christian,this is not the gospel” and Donald Trump responded by saying “For a religious leader to question persons faith is disgraceful

March 19, 2016 - Pope Francis was the first pope to create an Instagram account

2016 - Pope Francis received International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen – German.

Books written

1982 – Meditations for the religious
1992 – Reflections of Hope.
2003 - To educate: Exactingness and Passion: Challenges for Christian Educators
2003 – Putting the Motherland on one’s shoulders: Memoir and path of hope.
2005 – The Nation to be built: Utopia, thought and commitments
2006 – Corruption & Sin : Some thoughts on corruption
2006 – On self-Accusation, Humility: The road toward God
2007 – True Power in service
2009 – The Social debt of our time: The social debt according to church doctrine
2010 – On Heaven and Earth
2010 – International seminar: Consensus about Development: Reflexions on solidarity and development.
2011 – Ourselves as citizen, Ourselves as people: towards a Bicentenary in justice and solidarity
2013 - On Heaven and Earth,Pope Francis on Faith,family and the church on 21st century
2013 – The joy of gospel, Evangelii Gaudium.
2013 – Open mind, faithful hearts: Reflections on following Jesus
2015 – Praise be to you – Laudato Si: On care for our common home

Pope Francis Quick Facts
  • Pope Francis is the first Pope from America
  • Pope Francis is the first Jersuit Pope.
  • In his life Pope Francis was once a night club bar bouncer and janitor sweeping floors before going to seminary 
  • At his first audience on 2013, Pope Francis told journalist that he has chosen the name “Pope Francis’ in honor of saint Francis of Assisi and because of his concern of the wellbeing of the poor. 
  • Pope Francis is the lifelong supporter of San Lorenzo de Almagro football. 
  • As a Cardinal Pope Francis used to cook his own meal and took a public transport. 
  • Pope Francis motto – Miserando atque eligendo (Jesus mercy toward sinners).


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