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Francois Hollande Resume

Written By world famous resume on Saturday, October 22, 2016 | 1:04:00 PM

- Francois Gerard Georges Nicolas Hollande
Famous - The president of France
Born - August 12, 1954 Rouen, Seine, Aritime, France
Political Party - Socialist Party

Education & Political life life

Francois Hollande attended Sain-Jean-Baptiste-De-la-Salle Boarding School, a private Roman Catholic School in Rouven , the Lycee Pasteur in Neuilly Sur-Seine and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Law from Pantheon – Assas University.

1975 - Francois Hollande graduated from Hautes Etudes Commerciales De Paris (HEC) and then attended Institute of Political Studies in Paris.

1979 - Francois Hollande joined the Socialist Party.

1980 - Francois Hollande graduated from National School of Administration (ENA).

1980 – Francois Hollande after being released from ENA, he became Auditor to the court of Auditors. it is also at this time he was a Lecturer at the Iep of Paris.

1981 – Following the election of Francois Mitterrand as the President of the Republic Francois Hollande s the Project Leader at the Elysee in the Parliamentary election in June 1981. François Hollande is a candidate in Hollande.

1983 - François Hollande was appointed two successive Spokesman Chief of Staff of the Government Pierre Mauroy : max Gallo and Roland Dumas.

1983 – 1989 - Francois Hollande was a Municipal Councilor 19200 – Ussel

1984 - Francois Hollande became public Auditor at the Court of Auditors.

1988 - Francois Hollande won the National Assembly seat after first being elected to the Ussel Town Council

1988 – 1993
- Francois Hollande served in the National Assembly of France for the Department of Correze’s First Constituency.

1989 - 1995 - Francois Hollande was a Deputy Mayor 19000 Tulle

1992 - Francois Hollande was a Regional Advisor Limousin .

1993 - Francois Hollande lost his Parliamentary seat .he became President of the club “witness” of Jacques Delors he held until 1997.

1994 – 1995 - François Hollande was a National Secretary of Economic Affairs

1997 – 2012 - François Hollande served in the National Assembly of France for the department of Correze’s First Constituency.

March, 2011 - François Hollande announced the bid for the Presidency

May 6, 2012
- François Hollande became 24th France President after beating incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy

1995 – 2001 - François Hollande was a Municipal Counselor 19000 Tulle

1995 – 1997 - François Hollande was a Spokesperson of the Party and National Secretary in charge of press relations.

1998-2001 - François Hollande was a Regional Advisor - Limousin .

1997 – 2008 - François Hollande was the First Secretary of the French Socialist Party

1997 – 2012 - François Hollande was a Deputy of Correze -19 Correze

2001 – 2008 - François Hollande was the Mayor of the Tulle (largest town in the Limousin Region in Central France)

2007 – 2012 - François Hollande was a member of the Finance Committee

2008 – 2012 - François Hollande was the President of the Correze General Council

2011 – 2012 - François Hollande was a candidate of the Party for the 2012 Presidential election

2012 – 2017 - François Hollande is the president of the French Republic
  • François Hollande was raised Catholic, however he became Agnostic at some point in his life and now consider himself to be an Atheist 
Books & publications
1991 - The hour of choices for political economy with Pierre Moscovici.
2001 - The socialist idea today omnibus.
2001 - Duties of truth, interviews with edwyplenel ed stock.
2009 - Right of inventory, interview with Piere Favier le Seuil.
August,2011 - The French Dream,Privat.
January, 2012 - A destiny for France,Fayard .
February, 2012 - Changing destiny, Robert Laffont .