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Mario Draghi Resume

Written By world famous resume on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 | 9:56:00 AM

Name - Mario Draghi
Famous - President of the European Central Bank
Birth - 3 September 1947, Rome Italy.

1976 – PhD in Economics Massachusettes Institute of Technology (MIT)

1970 - Degree in Economics – Sapienza University of Rome.

Experience and career professionals
June, 2013 – Mario Draghi was the chairman of the group of Governors and heads of supervision (Ghos) at the bank for international settlements.

November, 2011 – Mario Draghi was the Chairman of the European Central Bank

2009 – Mario Draghi was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study.

2006 – Mario Draghi was a member of the Board of Directors at the Bank from International Settlements

2006 – Mario Draghi was a member of G7 & in the same year Mario Draghi became the member of G20

2006 – Mario Draghi was a member of the group of thirty founded by Rockerffeller foundation

2006 - 2011
– Mario Draghi was a Governor Bank of Italy.

2006- 2011 – Mario Draghi was a chairman of the financial stability board (former financial stability forum)

2002 – 2005 - Mario Draghi was a Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Goldman Sachs International

2000 – 2001 - Mario Draghi was a Chairman of the European Economic and Financial Committee

– Mario Draghi was a fellow of the Institutes of Politics at the John F Kennedy school of Government, Harvard University

1999 – 2001 – Mario Draghi was a Chairman of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and development OECD’S working party no 3

1997 – 1998 - Mario Draghi was a chair the Committee that set up to revise Italy corporate and financial legislation and to draft the law that governs Italian financial market known as “Draghis law”

1993-2001 - Mario Draghi was a chairman of the Italian Committee from Privatization

1991 – 2001 – Mario Draghi was a Director General of the Italian Treasury

1984 – 1990 – Mario Draghi was an Executive Director of the World Bank

1981 – 1991 – Mario Draghi was a Professor of Economics and Monetary Policy at the University of Florence

1975 – 1981 – Mario Draghi was a Professor of Economics at the University of Trento, Padua and Venice

Awards and Recognitions
2013 – Mario Draghi received Doctor Honoris Causa in Political Science from University Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, Italy.

2009 – Mario Draghi received Doctor Honoris Causa in Statistics from University of Padua 

2010 - Mario Draghi received an Honorary Masters in Business Administration (Vicenza CUOA Foundation)
  • Mario Draghi  is the author of number of articles in international and European monetary and financial issues
  • .Mario Draghi is a trustee at the institute of advanced study in Princeton ,New Jersey and also at the Brookings Institution in Washington Dc


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