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Benjamin Netanyahu Resume

Written By world famous resume on Saturday, October 22, 2016 | 2:58:00 PM

Name - Benjamin Netanyahu.
Famous - Prime minister of Israel
Born - October 21, 1949 in Tel aviv, and was raised in Jerusalem Israel

Political Party - Likud

Education & political career

1967 – 1972 - Benjamin Netanyahu served as a soldier and officer in Sayeret matkal an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Special Unit.

1972 - 1976
- Benjamin Netanyahu got Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Masters of Science in Business Management, at Massachusetts Institutes of Technology.

  • Benjamin Netanyahu also studied Political Science at Massachusetts institutes of technology
1973 - Benjamin Netanyahu served in the Yom Kippur war, and after the war he was promoted to the rank of Captain in Reserves

1976 – 1978 - Benjamin Netanyahu was a consultant with Boston Consulting Group.

1978 – 1980 - Benjamin Netanyahu served as the head of Jonathan Netanyahu Anti-Terror Institute, which is an NGO devoted to the study of Terror.

1980 – 1982 - Benjamin Netanyahu was the member of the Senior Management at Rim industries in Jerusalem Israel.

1982 – 1984 - Benjamin Netanyahu was a deputy chief of a mission at the Israel Embassy in Washington, Dc.

1984 – 1988 - Benjamin Netanyahu was an Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations, and become renowned for championing Israeli’s cause in the International Arena

1988 – 1991 - Benjamin Netanyahu was a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

1991 – 1992 - Benjamin Netanyahu was a Deputy Minister in Prime Minister’s Office.

1991 – Benjamin Netanyahu participated in the Israeli’s delegation to the Madrid peace conference and in the first peace conference and in the first strategic cooperation talks between Israel and the USA

1993 – 1996 - Benjamin Netanyahu was the Chairman of Likud, Leader of the Opposition.

1996 – Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert decided to open an exit in the Arab quarter for the Western wall tunnel which prior was closed by Shimon Peres for the sake of piece

1996 – 1999 - Benjamin Netanyahu was the Prime Minister of Israel defeating incumbent labor candidate Shimon Peres. During this period Benjamin Netanyahu signed the Hebron and the Wye accords, advancing the piece processes with the Palestinian

1999 - 2002 - Benjamin Netanyahu served as the consultant at Hi-Tech companies.

2002 – 2003 - Benjamin Netanyahu was the Minister of Foreign Affairs

2003 – 2005 - Benjamin Netanyahu was the Minister of Finance in Ariel Sharon’s Government, but he departed the Government after the Gaza disagreement plan

2005 – 2009 - Benjamin Netanyahu was the Chairman of Likud, leader of the opposition after Ariel Sharon left to form a new party Kadima

March, 31, 2009
- Benjamin Netanyahu was elected for the second time as the Prime Minister of Israel.
  • Currently Benjamin Netanyahu is saving as a member of Knesset (Israel parliament) and Chairman of right-wing Likud party.
2012 - Benjamin Netanyahu returned to politics and served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and then as Minister of Finance.

2013 - Benjamin Netanyahu was elected as the Israeli’s Prime Minister for the third time

November 2013 - Benjamin Netanyahu found himself at odds with the United States, objected to the deal reached between the USA and Iran regarding Iranian nuclear program

March 2015 - Benjamin Netanyahu addressed highly partisan U.S congress to further critique American Policy on Iranian Nuclear Program

March 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu was elected as the Prime Minister of Israel for the fourth term

Books written

1963 – 1976 - Self portrait of a hero : the letter of Jonathan Netanyahu.
1979 - International terrorism: challenge and response,.
1987 - Terrorism: how the west can win.
1992 - A place among the nations: Israel and the world

1996 - Fighting terrorism: how democracies can defeat domestic and international terrorism


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